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    Wednesday, February 15, 2017

    Kalimat Expressing Curiosity and Desire

    Expressing Curiosity and Desire

    - What is curiosity.? Curiosity is an emotion represent a drive to know new things
    - What is expressing curiosity.? Expressing curiosity is the expression how express curios about            something or someone.
    - What is Desire.? Desire is strong feeling someone in the form of curiosity, nostalgia or curiosity has    againt a person or object or hoping for an outcome.

    The following are some expressions to show curiosity and their responses.

           Expressing Curiosity                                                      Responding
       - I really want to know.....                                                - Ask your teacher about it.
       - I wonder why he did such a foolish thing                      - I don't know. You'd better ask him
       - I'm interested to know....                                                - So am I. Let;s see it together

    Expressing Desire 
    - I wish I could be.......
    - I want to........
    - I'm interested in.......

    Penggunaan Expressing Curiosity and Desire adalah tergantung dari dialognya dan tidak menggunakan rumus

    Example for the dialogue :
    Asep                  : I wonder if I could fly into the clouds.
    Udin                  : Why not?
    Asep                  : Do you think I could?
    Udin                  : Asep, are you O. K.? You look a little depressed about something ….
    Asep                  : I’m sorry. It’s nothing. I’m just wondering.
    Udin                  : oh, really? C’mon. you can tell me. A penny for your thoughts.
    Asep                  : I am just thinking about our plan to see my parents.
    Udin                  : are you worried about it?
    Asep                  : No, not really worried.
    Udin                  : really? Then how do you feel about it?
    Asep                  : I’m just wondering what my parent’ reaction will be
    Udin                  : you are worried about it, aren’t you?
    Asep                  : Uhmmm… I’ve told you before. They’re a little strange

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